Ease the bite of cold weather and have your guests cozy up near a crackling fire with a cup of the Finns’ version of mulled wine known as glögi. In other Scandinavian countries, it’s known as glögg. It’s the traditional drink during winter, especially around Christmas. The beverage is usually served warm or hot, and can be alcoholic or non-alcoholic (I prefer the spiked version). A coworker of mine shared her glögi recipe with me and I thought I’d pass it on to all of you. It’s really simple to make and will definitely be a crowd-pleaser. Wow your friends and family with the following recipe.
Elina’s Glögi Recipe
1 bottle red wine (750 ml)
750 ml currant or cranberry juice
20 whole cloves
10 whole cardamoms (bruised with mortar and pestle)
2 cinnamon sticks
1/2 inch fresh ginger
1/2 C raisins
1 C vodka or aquavit (optional)
Fresh orange peel
Slivered almonds
1. Place all spices in a spice bag.
2. In a pot, combine the wine and juice.
3. Add spice bag, raisins and orange peel . Heat up the mixture and let it simmer for an hour or so. Do not bring it to a boil.
4. Shortly before serving, add the vodka or aquavit (optional).
5. Add 1 tbsp of slivered almonds into a mug or glass and pour glögi over the almonds.
6. Garnish with cinnamon stick and orange wedge (optional).
6. You now have a delicious cup of Glögi. Enjoy!

I’ve also rounded up some of our selection of festive Finnish mugs and glassware that would be perfect for serving this glögi. After all, half the fun is the presentation.
1. Marimekko Seireeni Green / Red Mugs – Set of 2

2. iittala Ultima Thule Glassware

3. Marimekko Tiiliskivi Terra / Gold Mug

5. Pentik Tokka Mug & Saaga Glassware

If you’re interested in ordering any of these mugs or glassware in time for Christmas, visit FinnStyle.