Today, we are transforming the vibrant and bold designs of Marimekko into stylish drink coasters! Coasters are a small yet impactful detail in any interior that not only protect your furniture, but add a splash of personality and design. This is a no-sew project, making it an accessible craft for both beginners and experienced DIYers. Whether you are looking to add a pop of color to a coffee table, nightstand or bar, these fabric coasters will be a functional and eye-catching addition to any space. See below for a step-by-step guide on how to make no-sew coasters with your favorite Marimekko fabric:
Here’s what you’ll need:

- Fabric: We are using Marimekko Unikko + Marimekko Puketti cotton fabric to make two separate coasters!
- Felt
- Fabric mod podge
- Paintbrush
- Scissors or craft knife
- Measuring tape or ruler
Make sure the mod podge is specifically for fabric! This will give it a glossy finish and ensure your coaster is water-resistant:

Try to match the felt color to the colors in your fabric:

We recommend using Fiskars seamstress scissors! This is a multi-purpose scissor that is especially great for cutting through all types of fabrics and materials. Shop Fiskars scissors here.

Lets dive in!
Step #1
Measure and cut out a 4″ x 4″ felt square:

Step #2
Measure and cut out a 5″ x 5″ fabric square. Don’t worry about getting a perfect cut and about fraying right now, it will be cleaned up in later steps.

Step #3
Using your paintbrush, apply a medium layer of fabric mod podge to one side of the felt square:

Step #4
Stick your fabric square on top of the felt square with mod podge on it. There will be excess fabric hanging off the edges, like so:

Step #5
Now, apply a THIN layer of mod podge on top of the fabric that you just put on top of the felt. Make sure your layer of mod podge reaches all the way to the edges of the excess fabric. This will make sure that there will be no fraying when you make your final cut!

Step #6
Let it dry! This may take a few hours.
Step #7
When it is fully dry, cut off the excess fabric hanging over the felt.

All done! The finished product:

These coasters truly blend practicality with the iconic designs of Marimekko fabric. Aside from adding a touch of Finnish design to your own home, they also make thoughtful handmade gifts for birthdays and gift-giving seasons. Cheers to your new DIY, and may it bring joy and charm to your everyday beverage!