Scarves are a great way to add some oomph to an ensemble. Whether you’re going the casual or dressy route, scarves can make an outfit. There are about a million ways to wear a scarf, but I’m going to show you three very simple ways you can wear one using the new Marimekko Kompotti scarf. These examples should take you no longer than a minute or two. So, go on. Mix it up and put your scarves to good use!
The knotted scarf
Step 1: Put the scarf on with both ends hanging down.
Step 2: Tie a knot on one end of the scarf and do the same with the other end.
Step 3: Adjust to ensure both ends are even with one another and violà!

The circle scarf
Step 1: Tie each corner of the scarf to one another. There should be a total of two small knots.
Step 2: Put the scarf on, placing the tied ends at the back of your neck to hide the knots. The scarf should be one big loop.
Step 3. Loop the scarf over your head a second time.
Step 4: Adjust as needed.

The head scarf
Step 1: Fold your scarf in half length-wise.
Step 2: Wrap the scarf around your head with the folded edge along your forehead.
Step 3: Tie a knot at the back of your head with the loose ends.
Step 4: You’re done! Feel free to leave the ends as is or put them over one shoulder. You can wear your hair down, in a single side braid or in pig tails. Be creative!

Check out our selection of Marimekko scarves at
Have an easy and creative way you wear scarves? Share it with us in the comments field below!